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Letter From Principal

At new visions for
your kids

Dear Parents/Guardians
On behalf of the entire staff, I would like to extend the warmest of welcomes to Kindero School! Kindero celebrates a tradition of excellence in education by setting high expectations for academic, social, and emotional growth. Our dedicated staff and our supportive parents jointly facilitate the development of our students as eager, life-long learners and as compassionate, responsible human beings. We are committed to continual improvement through collaboration and innovation as we propel our learners to lives of achievement, meaning, and fulfillment.


Jane Havoch


Our programs


Whole child approach

Benefits kids’ physical wellness, academic success, and social-emotional health

Physical wellness

Inspires all kids to be active and mindful with a wide range of offerings that appeal to kids’ different ages, interests, skills, and abilities


Academic success

Fuels learning by getting kids focused and ready to learn

Social-emotional health

Helps kids identify emotions, build relationships, and be mindful


Popular Classes

30% Desconto

Fundamental I

A aula perfeita para seu filho com a melhor equipe e os melhores professores.

  • Idades: 6 - 10 anos
  • Horário: Manhã | Tarde
  • Vagas: 30
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30% Desconto

Fundamental II

Desenvolvemos habilidades essenciais e preparamos os alunos para desafios futuros.

  • Idades: 11 - 14 anos
  • Horário: Manhã | Tarde
  • Vagas: 30
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30% Desconto

Ensino Médio

Ajudamos a preparar nossos jovens para o mercado de trabalho e educação superior

  • Idades: 15 - 17 anos
  • Horário: Manhã | Tarde
  • Vagas: 30
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Our Activities

The best playschool

Library Reading

Imagine various stories

Music & Singing

Everybody loves singing

Special Projects

Our secret area education

Chess Centre

What you don’t have at home

Sand Play

All year round we enjoy sand


Imagine various stories


Children learn to paint

Water Play

Imagine various stories

Follow Us on Instagram

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Home 4 – Colégio Nova Veneza
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